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[I612.Ebook] Ebook Free Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

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Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

Ebook Free Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

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Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo

The first edition of Win Your Child Custody War was the first child custody book on the market in 1992. It has been revised and updated more often than any other book. Win Your Child Custody War is and expensive book, and by far the current edition is the most complete and well-written book on custody issues. Win Your Child Custody War covers more topics than any other book including: When and how the court will listen to your child's wishes. Proper support documentation for the child's choice. Your home or work computer and their lawyer. Options for reducing the cost of your case. Ways to make your child kidnap resistant, and able to contact you. Information a child must have to escape. How to prove the lies and identify the liar. Lies: theirs, yours and the biggest lie of all. Important Admit or Deny sworn statements. Identify and control your own problem behaviors. Child support: paying, collecting, and changing it. Seven Private Investigator Assignments and Final Reports. Determine who you can talk to and what you can tell them. How much money a custody case costs and when it is spent. Why and how to keep a contact log book and when to use it. Contempt of Court Filing and Answer to Contempt Charges. When and how to depose someone to get the results you need. Ten Evaluator reports, Psychological evaluations and Home studies. Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental rights and Stepparent Adoption. How to prepare for psychological evaluations and home study reports. Grounds for Involuntary Termination/Relinquishment of Parental Rights. How your case can affect your job and how your job can affect your case. Child's Affidavit of Preference or Choice of Managing Conservator example. Dangers of cell phones, email, internet, social networking, texting and blogs. How smoking, dental neglect, drugs, abandonment and abuse affect your case.

  • Sales Rank: #1767249 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-01-15
  • Released on: 2011-01-15
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 800 pages

10 star value for usable information. This is by far the most complete and well-written book on custody issues and the copy I have will be given to the local library as a reference book, because I think it is a must read for anyone going through a custody fight. Thankfully I am still married thirty-five plus years and have never had to deal with the issue, but have helped a number of men gain custody of their children. If there is one thing I do not like about the book, it would be the cover photograph where the little boy appears to be dressed as a small U S marine. Having family in the military and in a real life and death war, I think a photograph of a variety of children from different ethnic backgrounds would have made a better cover. 04/0 8/ 03 Top 50 Reviewer motherlodebeth, from Sierras of California. I was doing ok (not great) during the day. Facing the [stuff] they threw at me was easier when mixed in with seeing my kids, my job and other responsibilities. Nights were long, painful and left me exhausted. If I was finally able get to sleep, I would wake in a few hours in a panic or with their latest assault eating at my guts. It would be different if I could see my kids sleeping safe in their beds. I never felt so helpless in my life. I am a good, no, a great dad. I love my kids. I shouldn't have to be a part-time dad. They need a full-time dad. I think this book is going to help me show the judge who I am and how much I can contribute to their lives. Found this book on Amazon at 4a.m. and felt better just having ordered it. It has helped so much that I can get to sleep. On the rare occasion that I do wake up worried, Win Your Child Custody War is my Midnight Companion and I can always find something to calm me by giving me a plan of action for the next day. Examples of what other guys faced and how they handled themselves are valuable. Seeing the results (good and bad) of the actions I would have taken has given me a real heads-up. I don't feel helpless any more. I think this is the next best thing to having a great lawyer in your pocket 24/7. Borrow, steal or buy a copy. --Patrick Devine, Carmillo, CA Choosing to give my ex-husband custody of our very young children was the most difficult decisions I have ever made. Later battles for visitation rights and custody have been the most painful events of my life. I have endured restraining orders based on lies, long distance visitation, and the psychological devastation of being separated from my children. My case went to the worst of extremes when my lawyer resigned, in order to testify on my behalf. Because of the injustice of the handling of the restraining order, my case was used as the example that changed a school's non-custodial parent pickup policy. Along the way, I made many of the mistakes common to parents in my situation and learned many lessons the hard way. I wish I had Win Your Child Custody War when I began those battles; the information, advice and warnings would have made the battle far easier. Win Your Child Custody War provides the legal details and information a parent needs before and after hiring a lawyer, detective, or even a psychologist. Win Your Child Custody War sets realistic expectations, includes straight talk with no mollycoddling, and lots of sound advice. Logs, affidavits, and home studies are covered with meticulous detail and with sound examples. As the author cautions, however, readers also need to follow the advice of their lawyer over the book. For example, in the extreme case of a parent who does not want to visit the child and would stop harassment if not required to pay child support, the author suggests: You could get counseling, legal assistance or return the money to the other parent, when you get it from the court each month. I know from personal experience that you may --Anne P. Mitchel --Patrick Devine, Carmillo, CA

About the Author
Charlotte Hardwick has written 6 child custody books to date. Hardwick initially shared her personal experience and built on it with the accumulated knowledge from hundreds of cases and thousands of other parent s experiences. Every conceivable aspect of the child custody wars are explored and explained while guiding the reader toward a powerful strategy. If you don't have her books and this book in particular, you are likely to be overmatched; indeed if your attorney doesn't have this book, your attorney is likely to be outmatched. In fact, I would say that the first thing you should do after reading the book yourself, is buy a copy for your attorney and somehow persuade him or her to open the pages and to start reading--anywhere in the book. I promise you your attorney will learn facts, ideas, and strategies new to him or her. The expanse and depth of the material presented here quite frankly amazed me. This extensive tome constitutes an entire course not only in child custody disputes but in human psychology, parenting, and the law itself. The mass of information and the sharp, sound guidance contained herein really amount to a post graduate course in child custody disputes. You will be much impressed with Hardwick's assertive, no-nonsense writing style and organization that managed to painlessly inform while emphasizing a positive approach. Titles include: Win Your Child Custody War, Child Custody Case Management Forms, Witness Guide for Deposition and Court, Killers & Boosters for Child Custody Cases, Dear Judge, (Children's Letters to the Judge), Help and Where to Find it (out of print).

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
You can't afford not to have this
By Dr. Calico
The single most important tool you will possess in your child custody ordeal. The dollars you will save by having this text are immeasurable. I discovered this book after I was already divorced and lost the battle the frist time around becuase I made every mistake under the sun. I'm lucky. I'm getting a second chance and this time I'm doing everything right and it is working. If I had the book the first time I would not be where I am today and could have saved myself and my children tremendous amounts of agony and pain not to metion much of their future college tuition. The tried and true methods and strategies outlined here are empowering and derived where the rubber meets the road at the ground level. I qualify it as a recipe book if you will for winning your custody war. So many of the things I read in Charlotte's book just jumped out at me from my own experience. She knew all the tactics and strategies that were used against me by my ex spouse and how to avoid and combat them. The attorney's have a playbook and they have been down this road many times and they now exactly how to manipulate everything in their favor. Your emotions, your assets and even your children. This is like driving down a dark road with the headlights on instead of off. I didn't realize how vicious and unsavory and malicious the process could be. I was a loving caring husband and Father and she pulled out all the stops on me and I fell for all of it. Don't be a victim like I was. This book will open your eyes and give you the road map. It is amazing how accurate and on target everything in this book is. Step by step guide to success and for less than one hour of your attorney's time.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Worth every dollar, 5 Star Resource
By Mike Adams
Win Your Child Custdoy War 12th Edition. This is definitely not another hyped up child custody/divorce manual. Win Your Child Custody War, has plenty of content. The kind you go to the book store, library, internet, parent support groups, read boxes of court cases, attend legal factfinding seminars and hire the best attorney you can afford, to get. The Table of Contents and Index, list the topics covered in all the other books on child custody. Additional topics which many other parents have faced and may be useful in your case are identified and explained. The suggestions and information in the book are well thought-out and precise. Use the examples as indicators so you can watch the other parent and their cohorts for patterns of behavior signaling poor decision making that could affect you children negatively.
This book will help you guard against vicious attack whether you are a mom or a dad. A divorce and child custody chronological order relating to how events usually occur are included. Authority and precedence from family courts across the nation are listed. This is no "quick read" at a bookstore. Compare the Table of Contents of Win with any 10 other available books. If you need defense from dirty tricks, protection from your own attorney and solid information, Win Your Child Custody War will level the playing field for you. Highly recommended.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
5 Star Outstanding Resource
By Xtara
Don't be overwhelmed by this book when it arrives. It is not arranged to be read from the front cover to the back or to be read completely before you take action. Determine what is causing you the most trouble, worry or pain at this moment, look it up and take action. Then attack the next challenge you face. Knock them down one by one.

Win Your Child Custody War, 12th Edition, explains how a case may proceed. However, since no two child custody cases progress in identical patterns, the book is arranged by topic. Every major topic from PAS to International Child Abduction is covered and case law is identified. Does your case involve: grandparents, stepparents, a parent who smokes, addiction, violence, homeschooling, religious issues, breastfeeding, child abuse, CPS, visitation problems, false accusations, private investigators, kidnapping, lies and perjury, move away, child support or trying to get a level playing field?

The chapters are dense with identification of the problems we face, and workable concepts for dealing with them. The organization of this book makes it easy to find what you need and makes it easy to start working in the right direction.

I compared the Table of Contents and Index with all the other books offered and saw Win Your Child Custody War, 12th Edition was the most complete. In fact, now that I have this book, I feel that Win Your Child Custody War 12th Edition, contains more examples and options than are offered in all the other books combined. This book doesn't smooth things over or tell you what you want to hear, it tells you the way it is and what you can do about it.

I highly recommend this outstanding resource.

See all 29 customer reviews...

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Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo PDF

Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo PDF
Win Your Child Custody War: Child Custody Help Source Book--A How-To System for People Serious About the Welfare of Their Child, by Charlo PDF

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